🥳 Celebrate Together With Your Users. 6 Valuable Lessons I Received From One Email
I use NameCheap for (almost) all my domains as a domain registration provider. And I’m pretty happy using NameCheap. Sometimes I receive emails from them; honestly, I read almost all their emails. A minor correction — not reading the whole text, but at least open nearly all of their emails.
Today I received an email from them that I’d like to discuss. This email was — Happy Nameaversary, Bohdan!
⚡ Lesson #1: Celebrate anniversaries with your users!
Hmm, it was a catchy title for an email — it was my first thought and I…opened the email.
⚡ Lesson #2: Use sticky email titles.
The first thing I saw was a nice hero image with text that clings. Look:
⚡ Lesson #3: Use sticky hero images. With little but essential information what’s going on.
Then there was a gift for me — a promo code I can use on NameCheap. Look:
⚡ Lesson #4: Provide a gift (for instance, a promo code) which is valuable for your user. This gift will be used on your website. A win-win situation!
Next, there was the ability to download NameCheap wallpaper. Why not, at least a beautiful funny image. Look:
⚡ Lesson #5: Make sure your users are tied to your brand.
And finally, they included the ability to get feedback about emails. Look:
⚡ Lesson #6: Always get feedback from your users.
And let me show you the whole email in one image:
In addition, you can celebrate some important milestones with a specific user. Let’s say, One Year Together or Half a Year From Our First Meet. Think about it 🤔