💡 Product Tips #8: Minimize Your Cards, Add Unusual Icons to Your Pricing Page, and Place Your User in the Centre
I had some UX ideas and notes. It’s time to share them with you 😊
Today you will get ideas on how to minimize cards on your website or app, add unusual icons to your pricing page and will understand why placing your user in the centre is a good idea.
👉 Minimize your cards
Try minimizing your data on cards on your website or app. Take a look at the example below. Significantly better, right?
So, what we have. We added a logo of the restaurant, we made the order price bigger and made it with a different colour, the delivery date became compact, and “delivery-pickup” combined into one part with cute icons ✅
👉 Add unusual icons to your pricing page
Try adding interesting (actually, a bit unusual) icons to your plans on your pricing page. It will definitely catch the attention of your potential customers and will force them to stay on the page longer. To stay longer on a very important page ⚠️
Take a look at the examples below.
By the way, don’t forget to add the text “Most popular” 😉 It will increase the chances of choosing this tariff.
👉 Place your user in the centre
We love ourselves, right? Our users love themselves too, right? So, why not give them the ability to be the central thing on our product? How to do that? For example, place the user icon in the centre, make it bigger, and show the user’s progress as something important 👍
It will increase the chances that users will share their profile pages and will realise that you value them.
Take a look at the example. You may notice that it’s a music web app but try to think about it as I described above 😉