🙂 Product Tips You Should Apply In 2024. Part one
💡 Some important product tips that will help you to get more traffic, to acquire new users and to be in great relationships with existing ones. You should pay close attention to them to use in 2024.
🌟 Increase organic traffic by implementing the FAQ Schema on your content pages
If you have content pages with relatively long content on them, you can try to implement the FAQ Schema and get more traffic from Google. It can be useful when your content pages are able to be turned into FAQ format and presented as questions and answers. 👉 Read this guide with examples to understand what the FAQ Schema is and how it can be implemented.
🥳 Offer discounts on unusual holidays to boost conversions
Users expect to get promos on popular holidays like Halloween, Christmas, or New Year. But what about unusual holidays? Make your’s company own day, the day when a user joined you, the day when a user made the first purchase, or choose a niche holiday. Build a story around it. Get creative and make it fun 😉
Such promotions will help you not to get lost in the noise of every other brand promoting over the more well-known holidays. But don’t overdo it! One or two unusual holidays per year are enough.
😋 Propose former users another free trial
After a free trial, some users decide not to use your product. Leave them for some period of time and then make yourself known again! Experiment with time frame periods: 7, 21, 30, 60, or 90 days. The longer the period, the better.
But don’t be annoyed! And don’t forget to propose something valuable! How about another free trial with no obligations? Use ConvertKit or Drip if needed 👌
🫰 Sell new features as paid add-ons
If you develop new features only for a certain group of your users, try to sell them as paid add-ons.
A feature may be needed only for certain users, but not for all your users. In this case, it’s a great chance to (try) sell the feature as a paid add-on on your product. It can significantly increase your revenue 😉
🗣️ Invest in communication
Put more time into your documentation, handover, and meetings today. Tomorrow it will save lots of your hours. It’s one of the best investments you can make.
⚠️ Doing such an investment, you’ll minimise risk and increase the chances of a project or task going well the first time.
🥇 Do less. Better
Yes, I understand that you have a million things you want/need to do or implement. But what about doing less but with better quality? You can implement one feature instead of two or three, but this one feature will fit your MLP. Wait… MLP? Yes. Minimum Lovable Product. Try to create a product or a service that delivers a simple, beautiful, and joyful user experience.
Think about what’s truly important for your product at the moment. Allocate time to focus on completing one thing 1️⃣
📧 Use verbatim customer quotes as email subject
Try using verbatim customer quotes as email subjects to increase open rates and higher conversion. What’s the reason? Trust. Trust from “similar” customers of your product.
It can drive the revenue of your product. Just try and measure the difference. Use services like Trustpilot to get real feedback.
An example:
"I've recently fallen in love with {Your Product Name}."
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